Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Maximum Exposure

To My Dear Cousin Heil,

I know you are well on your way to becoming a harlequin. I've seen you in several shows and have attended your various featured performances here and there with discretion. I'd like to say that you've been doing a great job! I'd like to tell you what happened the other day about my friend Kreme who happens to be a well-trained harlequin.

Apparently he has gone into hiding after the harlequin guild forced him to wear some ridiculous outfit as some sort of test. He said something about harlequins being able to wear ANY kind of garments, even if it is the most embarrassing to be able to entertain people of all sorts. He sent me a letter because he needed help with something. He first sent me his picture wearing the outfit. ...A VERY REVEALING OUTFIT.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

So there I was, lying down on my bed after a long day of training and even reminiscing about the good ol' days. Then all of a sudden, I heard this loud flapping sound. I thought at first it was a Scrappy that got stuck in the window railings again, but as I got up from my bed, it was a flying cockroach!!!

I was so scared that I think I screamed like a little girl as I tried to swat the darned thing with my sword. Hopefully no one heard me scream. That would've been very embarrassing! You know how I am with flying cockroaches. ;3;

Stay safe Ebbie, please send me some pesticides.

From Your Dear Brother,


Sunday, August 8, 2010

An Odd Statue

To My Dearest Ebbie,

With the opening of the Drakos Tower once again, many adventurers have been crowding at Camp Steven to help the Dragon Expedition drive back Elga's minions. As for me, I have personally been assigned with a task group that was been ordered to look for alternate routes into the tower. The main entrance of the tower wouldn't do much so we had to look for alternate routes.

Along with a party of other paladins and mercenaries, we found this cave and ventured deep within. The mages believe it would lead to the tower's basement, and we could begin launching another front from there. The underground tunnel was infested with monsters, and more of Elga's minions. Along the way, I came across this odd statue.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

I was going to write this letter to tell you how cool my new armor is, but something unexpected happened just after two weeks of wearing the darned helmet. Yes, I believe the helmet is cursed or something, even after I souled it at Julie's. You do know us Paladins get the Signus rank when we reach a certain level. I'm pleased to tell you that your brother just gained Signus rank! Yay! But enough about that. I'll show you the picture, yes?

Pretty neat, huh? I must say I've gone quite far from being the clumsy warrior I was years back. I still couldn't find the darned shoulder piece for this set, though. It's very rare to find good craftsmanship these days. (Well 42 could also forge one but... you know.) Now take a look at the helmet. Why do you think those fins at the side are so big?

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Weird Letter

To My Dear Friend Ceaz,

I found this letter in my mail today. Does Mr. 42 really write like this all the time? I hardly understood a thing. It has the most peculiar content I've ever read so far.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

That Breezy Feeling

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I just had to write to you this time. So there I was the other day, doing my regular duties along the area between Frigid Canyon and the Sleepy Slums. Every time I jumped or walked, my rear felt weird as I was fighting monsters. I thought I accidentally wore two pairs of underwear again. It felt kinda thick yet it felt cool at the same time. So I had a really happy time training and slaying all sorts of monsters.

After my twelve-hour regular duty (A Tempura Knight is on call 24/7!!! ), I headed to the HQ Men's Locker Room to take a shower. I was literally sweating a waterfall after drinking a lot of those fat-burning HP potions that makes your body all lean and stuff like in the commercials. Mmmm~ grapefruit is tasty. I was really stinky so a nice relaxing shower was in order.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kidnappings Around Ashmist

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I received your last letter and am very impressed that you've made such good progress within the Drakos Tower lately. Not even a regiment of Paladins could get through some areas. I haven't even made it to the 6th floor yet from last time! If you're having your fights within the tower, there has been trouble brewing around the area between Ashmist and Camp Steven. There has been a torrent of reports that many children have gone missing. This reminds me of the time that Candy Factory opened.

I received a report from HQ while I was sleeping on the table in my house. Yes Ebbie, when your bed becomes too uncomfortable the table becomes the second best bed. The Commander instructed me and several other paladins to look around for clues to investigate this string of incidents. Donning my fancy new armor, that's right Ebbie, I've got fancy new armor and I ain't showing it to you yet! So off I went to Siren Woods.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Information Overload

To My Dearest Ebbie,

You may have been wondering what would be the "information" the sages had bestowed upon me. Now the only things I know is that these items could be made by certain recipes that I haven't even encountered yet. It would most likely be inside the dungeon, but I guess we could call that a theory. I have placed in this letter for you and your guildmates convenience, some interesting info you guys might want to know about.


To My Dearest Ebbie,

It was so weird yesterday. That dream was just so weird I had to take my tempura meds before returning to my duties at the Frigid Canyon. Pythanuth has been reported to have been supplying Drakos with minerals, which is why I was assigned there. Anyway, I received a mysterious letter and someone contacted me all of a sudden. I don't know why, but she added me to my buddy list all of a sudden.

I don't know who this Yuffiie person was until I was invited into her home. Well, more like summoned actually, I appeared in this fancy room after receiving the letter! A voice then told me to "Wait." and I did just that. After reading a few magazines and books at the nearby bookshelf, two hooded figures appeared. They introduced themselves as sages of Dragonica, those who bestow great power upon adventurers.
I think I just shat bricks.

A Strange Dream.

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I know I've been eating so much tempura lately, but you know me! Once I whiff a scent of that tasty dish nothing could stop me, not even the most evil sorceress like Paris! (...or Lady Ciel.) Speaking of Paris, I had a strange dream the other night that I'd like to share with you. It all started when I had to pick up some weapon powder from some blacksmith named 42. After he told me that "PAREEZ ESS KAMING", I didn't understand what he said until I got home and rested.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Tower Is Shut...

To My Dearest Ebbie,

Funny thing actually, I wanted to do a bit of exploring into Drakos the other day, but the door finally has some sort of seal on it. There have been reports Paris grew stronger lately, despite the efforts of the Dragon Expedition. Camp Steven is always a cold place to stay for the night, and using those Puff Towers they've installed recently are taking a lot out of my budget.

I should watch my restaurant bill whenever I eat some tempura.

I was thinking of getting Mistress Ciel to get the seal removed, but I don't think she would honor my request. Besides, if I had removed that seal... something terrible would happen. I guess we have to wait for the right time until it becomes unsealed.

This will probably be my shortest letter to you ever. When Drakos Tower reopens, I wonder what would lie inside? Stronger monsters? Now that would be scary now wouldn't it?

Stay safe Ebbie,

From Your Dear Brother,


Monday, July 19, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

I received your present and I must say, this new sword you got for me is the best! Although a bit heavier than an Angelius Sword, it's a really great gift and I'd like to thank you so much! I could finally defeat many monsters with ease using this new sword you gave me! When your birthday comes, I shall give you something definitely worth it! That's a promise from your big brother!

Anyway let me tell you what happened earlier today. The moment I woke up and looked at the calendar, I found out it's my birthday today! I completely forgot all about it after that incident with you-know-who and her harlotry. Feeling upbeat, I did a bit more exercising and training than usual and headed off to take a stroll around town! It was also my day off thank goodness!

I went to my mailbox first to check if I got any letters from you. I didn't find anything but one letter that just read, "Your Room. 3:00PM. Today." It sent a chill down my spine that made me a bit skeptical as well. I just placed the letter in my pocket and then stretched my arms. I then wondered who could it have come from.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


To My Dear Friend Ceaz,

Dude, I'd like to thank you and somehow you have flattered me as well. I know you also haven't seen Ebbie in person, but I appreciate the effort you took to sketch her. I am going to send this sketch to Ebbie, and judging from this sketch of yours, the description I gave matched it perfectly.

Certainly Ceaz, you've got a knack for drawing! If you keep this up, you may end up fighting with a giant pencil instead!!!

From Your Buddy,


Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Pages

To My Dearest Readers, Fans, and Friends,

In case you may have not noticed, I created two new pages to spruce up the blog

I've added a Characters page to give a bit more insight into the people I write about (as well as myself).

I've also added an Epic Chatlogs session where I've posted screenies of chatlogs we've made in-game that simply cannot be put into letter writing.

Now have fun, enjoy, and don't forget to bring a piece of cardboard!

From The Author,


P.S. Come to think of it, I think I'll add a Fanart section as well. xD

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cardboard ;D

To My Dearest Ebbie,

The last time I went around town to look for new furniture, I couldn't believe the price tags on them. It far exceeded my budget, and I didn't know if i really even needed such a thing.

The other day, I made a wonderful discovery. A merchant in Moonlight Shore town unloaded all of his goods from these cardboard boxes. Cardboard is quite sturdy, you could use it to make almost anything out of it. Given you have the right materials of course.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

...Fish In The Sea?

To... My Dearest Ebbie,

I tried hard you know. I always try to look cool for the ladies and show off my awesome Tempura skill set for eyecandy. I groom myself all the time and try to develop a strong personality worthy of fangirls going "KYAAAA~" over. However, what had happened the other day was a real blow in the crotch for me. I still couldn't get over it. I didn't know what to do that time I saw THEM.

A Crush!

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I know you always nag me for not getting a girlfriend even at my age. Remember Milie? She's a very beautiful woman. She's witty, cute and she says a lot of stuff that makes me feel warm inside. I like her a lot. I still remember the first time I met her along with Goryu while fighting some pirates. She's a strong Ranger, I've gotta tell you. That Gatling Rush of hers literally clears any enemy that goes near her. I certainly wouldn't go near her if she were my enemy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

As soon as I recovered, I immediately set out to see what has happened so far in our world. Libra has changed as well as that new town called Moonlight Shore, although folks keep telling me Moonlight Shore was Libra which means--- never mind, I might complicate things. It's just there. Anyway, I heard from Ceaz and FlareCiel and they told me to meet them at Ocher Forest to help out clearing the monsters there. Elga's influence has greatly manifested in the area, causing Ocher Forest to become darker with its overgrowths.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

You may have become worried why I haven't been writing letters to you for the past few months. I know you might want to hit me or something but let me tell you what had happened. I fell into a coma right after the Candy Factory Incident and was out for several months. As I woke up, several things had changed. I've heard Paris and her minions have set out for revenge on something and many changes have been made to the towns. I've even heard a new rank for all job classes was authorized to combat the new threat.

I am to report for Paladin duty again soon, but I need to recover and remember how I used to fight. I couldn't remember much from what had happened on why I fell into a coma but I just did. Could this be part of Paris' evil?

My guildmates have disappeared, and I am alone once again. Thankfully I was able to gain touch with Ceaz and Lady FlareCiel in Libra. With them, we are going to form a new guild with a name still pending. My head is still spinning as I write this letter in bed.

If you excuse me, I have some shrimp tempura to catch up on.

From your Dear Brother,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Revenge of the Sweets Part II

To My Dearest Ebbie,

After getting the kid back to his mother and reinforcing my "little friend" with a special kind of underwear, I gathered a few guildies namely Negumi, Genexxx and lovemac who were interested in exploring the Cookie Factory and to rescue the remaining children as well. I had my own motives too. TO TAKE BACK WHAT THE DARNED FACTORY STOLE FROM ME AND YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT IT WAS!

Revenge of the Sweets Part I

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I know you love eating sweets. Remember when we were kids you always stole from my cookie jar and I'd get angry and stuff? That same cookie factory that produced the cookies we ate while we were kids is still around even to this day. I've heard it has been around for more than sixty years, according to the locals, but its owner has never been seen. Ever. Creepy huh? I was curious until I found this weird guy in the middle of town offering a tour of the Cookie Factory.

Yeah, he's pretty much like Gatto only he's a representative of the Cookie Factory. I told him I wanted to enter but I needed to have a ticket which could be found from the chocolate they sell. So I went around shops looking for that chocolate. After an hour of looking around, I still couldn't find the darned chocolate. That was until I found this woman asking for help from some people about her missing child. Being the chivalrous knight that I am, I offered to help her out immediately.

I asked her son's description. She said he was round, had blonde hair, and was FAT. Now it made me wonder how such a round, conspicuous child would go missing? The last place he had been to was the so-called Cookie Factory where they produce my favorite pastry, only next to Tempura in Ice Cream. CHOCOLATE CRULLERS.

That's right, their chocolate crullers are just so darn awesome I want more. Covered in that sugar glaze, my mouth is watering as I write this letter. Yum! Anyway, I did something rather un-knightly and I snuck into the factory to investigate. I was starting to get the impression that this had something to do with all the missing children around the area of the Port of Winds. It would make a great report to the Commander, I thought.

I entered the factory and my eyes sparkled as I saw all sorts of candy and chocolate being made... until I saw living candy moving around. Then I thought, "living candy"? No wonder the factory never hires any human workers. This must be the work of some evil force, like Paris' witchcraft or Elga's influence! Then I made a knightly vow. To rescue the children and put a stop to this factory of EVIL!!! ...except those Chocolate Crullers. Mmm~

There were tons of monsters in the area as I slowly hacked my way through tons of candy monsters. I wanted to eat them, but who knows where they have been? Each step was making me hungry. I knew I needed to find at least one safe chocolate cruller before I finish the mission. Eventually, I made my way into a room with this large candy monster in it:

I was like "WTF?" a Mallow Woodie? It didn't hesitate any further as it attacked me with its large pastry guns. It was a bit tough trying to beat it because of its soft sticky body, but eventually it gave in and started to melt. And then as if by magic, in a puff of gray, the puddle turned into the fat kid I've been looking for all along. So this factory had been turning kids into monsters? Creepy. As I was about to pick up the boy to bring him to a safe place, I heard a voice over the speakers.

"So you really thought you could solve this case huh? I'll show you, you cocky knight." the voice over the speakers taunted.

I then retorted, "Cocky huh? Well when I get to the bottom of this, I'll show you whoever-you-may-be! AND WHERE'S MY FREE CHOCOLATE CRULLER?"

"A free chocolate cruller, huh? Very well. I shall grant your request."

After the voice chuckled, this large pastry gun appeared right in front of me and aimed straight at my groin. It shot a bright stream of chocolate... IN THAT AREA! YES EBBIE, HE SHOT MY NETHER REGIONS! It didn't feel painful or anything and I found out nothing had happened to me.

"Is that all you could do? What the heck did that do to me anyway?" I shouted at the voice.

"Look in your pants and I have granted your request." the voice had disappeared right after the static over the speakers.

When I took a peek into my groin area... all I found was a chocolate cruller.




But I have to get this kid out of here first. I'll then pursue the real culprit and save the rest of the children... AND RESTORE MY MANHOOD BACK TO NORMAL!!!

Now stay safe Ebbie, DO NOT GO NEAR THAT FACTORY. Who knows what would happen to your womanhood if you went near???

From Your Dear Brother,

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Don't Drink The Water

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I've heard you've been doing well so far. The mercenary life has been good for you, huh? Though mom and dad aren't really supportive of it, just do what you do best and I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goals, whatever it may be. I'd also like to thank you for sending me that bandage the other day. Supplies have been scarce lately. Have you explored the Water Temple lately? It's great for newbie adventurers but it's cakewalk for experienced warriors like us.

I found something on the bulletin posted by our sovereign Steven Jr.'s butler, Vincent that says there has been something wrong with the water lately. Drinking water has started to smell weird and taste weird lately, and plumbers have ruled that the problem isn't in the plumbing. It was something in the water, and Vincent said that the Water Artifact in town hasn't been glowing as strong as it usually had been lately.

I decided to investigate the Water Artifact and found out it could communicate with me telepathically. It told me that the Water Temple, a place where he is strongly connected to has suddenly become overrun with impurity, most likely the doing of Elga's minions. His connection to the guardian of the Water Temple, Endairon has become severed because even Endairon has become corrupted as well by the impurity. The Water Artifact then gave me instructions how to purify the temple.

When I entered the Water Temple, I already found out Elga's minions have overrun the area, and there was an aura of darkness that emanated from the place itself. After doing all sorts of errands for the Water Artifact such as gathering beakers and wiping its sides, it gave me a small bottle of purifying liquid so I would be able to purify areas in the Water Temple.

As I fought enemies in the Water Temple, a thought occurred to me. What is up with dungeons and golems? Kundara had 'em, Drakos had 'em, and even this place is crawling with these so-called Quartz Golems. I understand most of these golems served as dungeon guardians till they were manipulated by Elga's forces as well. Oh right, golems are mindless things you could mess around with!

After purifiying several areas, I finally made it to Endairon's room. Although he looked powerful, he was still no match for me. If you look closely, Endairon mimics Night Lord's fighting style. Perhaps the ancients based Night Lord's design off Endairon?

Remembering what the Water Artifact had told me, "Water had to be purified by destroying it in order to give it rebirth" or something like that. When I defeated Endairon, the heavy feeling from my chest was lifted away and I was instantly teleported out of the temple.

To be honest Ebbie, the Water Temple was boring more or less. Like I said, it's great for newbie adventurers looking for their first real dungeon. It was all cakewalk in the end. I was only manipulated by the Water Artifact to clean his home in the end!

Stay safe!

From Your Dear Brother,

P.S. I've heard a new Cookie Factory has popped out recently. Wanna go for a visit? Although I've heard of kids disappearing from the area, it'd be worth a try, right?

P.S.S. The plumbers LIED. I drank the water and it's still the same! The plumbing system was faulty all along!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Into Drakos

To My Dearest Ebbie,

Things are not looking so good lately. Monsters around Drakos have become much stronger recently and it doesn't look like there won't be any end to it. There has also been news of a Water Temple with a evil aquatic spirit that has emerged near the Port of Winds. Writing from my little tent in Camp Steven, I'd like to tell you what I saw today when I ventured into some parts of the Drakos tower.

I haven't really been good with dungeon navigation, but I did manage to scout a considerable amount of the tower. Elga's minions are everywhere within that tall structure. Enemies I've encountered before such as mummies, skeletons, shrooms and sparks have been assigned to guard Elga's domain. Thing is, these monsters have an unholy aura among them that makes them stronger somehow.

There was also a part of the tower with stained glass halls. You know, those kinds of windows that look all pretty in the light? It was pretty awesome. It was as if I was high on drugs only skeletons and shrooms were after me! (I swear those shrooms and skeletons work together to create pot sessions amongst themselves. I've seen some skeletons swing around pendelum-like traps around the tower!)

I also saw some new enemies like those Grim Reapers. I think they're higher category skeletons with more abilities than that of a Skelemage. Yet, they were still no match for my fighting abilities. There are also several machines in the area that once acted as the tower's guardians. They seem to be working for Elga's minions now. There was one portal that caught my attention though. It was a machine called Gaiden.

Being the curious knight that I was, I entered the portal wanting to find out what was inside. The first thing I saw was a SKULL. A SKULL! This was the big bad boss of the machines, GAIDEN! I couldn't obtain much information about this mechanical monstrosity even from the mages, but I'll tell you one thing Ebbie. This boss scared the s**t out of me to the point I almost shat bricks. Yes Ebbie, I'll admit it. I was no match for that darned machine but remember this:


You may be wondering how I was able to escape from that room filled with hundreds of crazy machines. I was able to find a small hole that I assumed to be a laundry chute (A laundry chute in a boss room? Wtf.) and dived right into it before the machines could grab me. I ended up back at the entrance of Camp Steven, telling myself that I wanted to do it again somehow because it was one heck of a thrill!

This part of Drakos Tower reminded me of one of those horror funhouses that show up at fairs and carnivals. You get scared at first, but there's this feeling inside you that you want to do it again. Do you also get that feeling Ebbie? I know that you were the more "intrepid" one when we were kids.

Anything interesting about that Water Temple yet? I guess you're after the treasure, huh? If you're after the treasure, all I want to do is slay the evil water spirit that lurks in it.

Stay safe! See you around.

From Your Dear Brother,

OOC: FINALLY AN UPDATE! This is the effect of having rotating schedules, lack of sleep, writer's block, and browser problems. Hopefully I'll be able to put a Water Temple episode soon! ;D

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not Dead Yet!

To My Dearest Fans/Readers/Friends,

You may have noticed the lack of updates lately. This is because I have been rather busy at work. I haven't logged into DGN in a loooong time but I do intend to write more entries. Stay tuned as I cover a part of the Drakos Tower and the upcoming Water Temple this February 10!

I'll be writing something soon to keep you guys entertained!


P.S. By the time the Water Temple is released, I'm thinking of bringing a few people along to explore it. ...Anyone wanna volunteer? xD

Saturday, January 23, 2010

In The Mail

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I can't believe what happened to you. Are you sure your guildmates harrassed you the other night? Or did you just have a bad case of Long Island Iced Tea overdose again? Didn't I tell you to always remain sober before and after a dungeon raid? Some random guy might pick you up and... that's it Ebbie. If you keep saying you're in danger from those guys, transfer guilds. Heck, I could even write you a recommendation letter into the Doraemon guild!

However, if you wish to remain and put up with it, I will respect your decision as your brother. I know you're a strong woman Ebbie, so carry the Tartareus family name around with pride, as we are the first generation in a line of Tempura Warriors! That's right Ebbie, we should start our own organization of knights. We should call it the Order of Tempura or something similar to that!

We would be the warriors of justice, and the bane of all malice if we form something like that. My cool poses during battle should stifle the enemy into thinking if we're really worth fighting!That's how our fighting style should be: flashy, fast, and most of all, DASHING. Every heroic warrior is dashing in a way, am I right?

Anyway, I found something weird the other day when I got trapped in the mail. Yes Ebbie, in the mail. I was looking for a package that I was about to send to you with the wrong address and the next thing you know, I got trapped in this box. I was cramped inside this box with hundreds of packages and letters put together. I lost track of time while inside that box, so in order to nourish myself, I looked for packages inside the box that smelled like food and ate them.

My glowing sword proved useful as a light, so as I spent my days confined in that little box, I just read all sorts of letters and saw all sorts of packages with food inside. Most of the food I've eaten were breadrolls and slices of cake. Thankfully there were some apples and water inside as well. Don't ask me what I had to do when I had to urinate or defecate while inside that darn box.

Eventually I came across this weird form that many people use for something called a "Social Networking Bulletin". It's this common bulletin board in town where people post news, stuff about themselves and ridiculous survey questions that no one really seems to care about. I think it was called FaceBulletin or something. Funny thing about this was it had a weird set of questions, and the envelope was purple.

For fun, I answered the questions that were inside that envelope. As you read all the way to the end, you'll get an idea who made this tasteless survey. Oh, and I also found a similar letter that a Swamp Monster filled up. (I could tell from the smell.) I compared the answers with mine:



1. Thank you for applying at Elga Minion Manpower Consultancy and Services. First of all, are you a Dragonican or a monster?
Mine: Dragonican.

2. Let's begin with a few simple questions. Are you in good physical condition?
Mine: Yes. *flex*
Swamp Monster: *fart*

3. Being a minion of Elga is very tough work. Are you prepared to get beaten up by countless adventurers who do not care about your well-being?
Mine: I suck at PVP anyway so I guess it's okay.
Swamp Monster: *sad fart*

4. What would you consider your best asset during an invasion?
Mine: My looks will knock all the ladies down! ;D
Swamp Monster: BLARGHGARFLARG! (I throw poop.)

5. Would it be alright if we stuck the Evilizer up your arse and made you evil? (No, the fruit thing with Paris and the Orc Brothers was a lie.)
Mine: WTF? That's how they became evil??? The fruit thing was a lie!
Swamp Monster: *fart*

6. Do you have any experience in roaming around aimlessly and waiting for an adventurer to beat you up?
Mine: These questions are getting more ridiculous by the minute...

7. And finally, a problem solving question. Lord Elga sent 3 minions to attack 2 adventurers and 1 fighter fell from each side. 2 more adventurers arrived at Lord Elga summons 2 more. WHAT IS PARIS' BOOB SIZE???
Mine: WTF. That question made no sense at all! And Paris' boob size is hard to describe.
Swamp Monster: *farrrrrrrrrt*

Thank you for answering our form. We hope to see you in our ranks once you pass our screening process. If successful, you get a 1 gold signing bonus on your contract and a free Evil Doughnut!


As for me, I got out of that box eventually. I also had to take a bath for 12 hours because of the stench I've accumulated while inside.

Stay safe Ebbie.

From Your Dear Brother,

P.S. I got a letter the day after that. It told me I was qualified enough to be Elga's Minion! I just lol'd.

Friday, January 15, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

Oh you would not believe how terrified I was for the first time! Normally I don't get scared of monsters, but I do get scared if I feel that they are emanating some sort of strong power. Must be my intuitive ability. That is what happened the other day when I found myself in the Kundara Dungeon near Fungoid Village. The Myst Elf, Hel Kaizen warned me of a mysterious being within the dungeon that has driven many ancient machines crazy.

Aside from his archaic manner of speaking, he kept asking me the same question: "Are you sure you want to go alone?". I really didn't take that question seriously until I reached the end of the dungeon. See Ebbie, Kundara Dungeon has all sorts of ancient rocky machines that were developed and used by the Myst Elves during the Dragon War. And now, most of those machines and golems came to life under some evil influence.

It was pretty freaky inside the dungeon. There were many traps like chainsaws and buzzsaws as well as golems suddenly coming to life to attack you. The best part is, they shoot LAZERS OMG. After a long trek of slaying all sorts of infernal machinery, I finally reached the end of the dungeon. I could tell that that red aura was not a good sign at all.

I really didn't want to go inside all alone, but I tried to man up by repeating my mantra.

"I am the defender of justice, the bane of all malice! I! AM! PRAWNT! TEMPURA KNIGHT!"

And after a flashy display of posing and explosions, I marched inside, proudly until I saw this:

I think I wet my tights after that. He didn't look so tough until that large golem, Aram (I think he was called) suddenly slammed his fist onto the ground and it knocked me off the ground literally. I cursed as that mysterious being called Mutisha casted some sort of dark magic. I had no choice but to retreat. This battle is not for one tempura knight alone. I shouted at the two:

"Foul demons! Hear this. I will be back! Not only with reinforcements, but with bigger, better, and stronger BICEPS!"

And with that, I fled from battle, as what noble warriors would do in a retreat.

Ebbie, I would advise you stay away from the Kundara Dungeon as much as possible. I don't want you to suffer the same fate as I did.

I'm not lying. Trust me, you don't wanna go.


Stay safe then!

From Your Dear Brother,


Hiii Ebbie, this is Irichi~ I intercepted Prawnt's letter to tell you what REALLY happened~ Actually, I did follow Prawnt all the way to the end of Kundara until he went inside. He wasn't all noble and as heroic as he was in this letter. Did you know Mutisha is actually a flaming homosexual? Well, I think he took an interest in Prawnt so the moment Mutisha started to harass him in... those places... um, and Prawnt like the uke he was broke free from Mutisha and ran away and cried. He'll be traumatized forever! 8D


Big Sis Irichi <3

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Deal With The Sword...

To My Dearest Ebbie,

It has been quite some time after I have arrived here in Ashmist Village. Zakriid was right about one thing. This place is so darn chilly I could leave a bottle of water in open air and it would freeze! However, this isn't the typical sort of cold climate I'm usually accustomed to. There was something ominous and evil about the place that I didn't want to talk about any further. My Angelius Sword started to glow as it was detecting all the evil energy coming from the nearby Van Cliff Citadel. I then came across this shady magician guy.

The first thing he did was call my attention with this display of dark pyroworks he was doing. He then told me that my sword could be stronger if I used the power of darkness. Although using a holy sword would be great, a dark sword is also a powerful weapon. This must be the reason why my Angelius Sword has been glowing for quite some time now. He told me to defeat one of the sources of this dark power, the accursed golem called Pythanuth.

I found Pythanuth in the Frigid Canyon and apparently, he loves to dance. You heard me right, Pythanuth is a ferocious, violent dancing golem who loves to do pirouettes, twirls and ballet moves. I don't know how he could manage to do that with his sheer size, but that dancing is no joke. It's powerful. He was a bit tough, but I eventually defeated him as he crumbled back to his simplest form; minerals. I took a shard from Pythanuth as proof that I defeated him.

Backtracking to Ashmist Village, I gave the shard to the creepy magician and he did some sort of magic on my sword. Within a few moments... voila. I got a new powerful, and more diabolical looking sword.

Wanting to test this sword, I set out for the Sleepy Slums to find this trouble-making monkey called Vanir. All I could say is that Vanir really speaks for himself. Not bad for a monkey with a pineapple on his head.
Stay safe, monkeys will put any fruit on their heads nowadays!

From Your Dear Brother,

Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year's Resolution

To My Dearest Fans/Readers/Friends,

I decided to participate in the DGN Comic Writing Contest that is currently on-going, and it took me quite a bit to think of something that had to fit with the theme of "Dragonica Online New Year's Resolution for 2010." It took me quite some time to figure out what I wanted to put in the comic, but after a few candies with a bit of fapping on the side, EUREKA!

Work has been a bit hectic since I've been assigned to graveyard shifts. However, I was able to make this in my little spare time! Hope it makes it to one of the ten winning entries!

A Happy New Year to all of you!

Prawnt ;D

P.S. My personal New Year's Resolution? Umm... I'll tell you some other time lol.