Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Maximum Exposure

To My Dear Cousin Heil,

I know you are well on your way to becoming a harlequin. I've seen you in several shows and have attended your various featured performances here and there with discretion. I'd like to say that you've been doing a great job! I'd like to tell you what happened the other day about my friend Kreme who happens to be a well-trained harlequin.

Apparently he has gone into hiding after the harlequin guild forced him to wear some ridiculous outfit as some sort of test. He said something about harlequins being able to wear ANY kind of garments, even if it is the most embarrassing to be able to entertain people of all sorts. He sent me a letter because he needed help with something. He first sent me his picture wearing the outfit. ...A VERY REVEALING OUTFIT.