Sunday, August 22, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

So there I was, lying down on my bed after a long day of training and even reminiscing about the good ol' days. Then all of a sudden, I heard this loud flapping sound. I thought at first it was a Scrappy that got stuck in the window railings again, but as I got up from my bed, it was a flying cockroach!!!

I was so scared that I think I screamed like a little girl as I tried to swat the darned thing with my sword. Hopefully no one heard me scream. That would've been very embarrassing! You know how I am with flying cockroaches. ;3;

Stay safe Ebbie, please send me some pesticides.

From Your Dear Brother,


Sunday, August 8, 2010

An Odd Statue

To My Dearest Ebbie,

With the opening of the Drakos Tower once again, many adventurers have been crowding at Camp Steven to help the Dragon Expedition drive back Elga's minions. As for me, I have personally been assigned with a task group that was been ordered to look for alternate routes into the tower. The main entrance of the tower wouldn't do much so we had to look for alternate routes.

Along with a party of other paladins and mercenaries, we found this cave and ventured deep within. The mages believe it would lead to the tower's basement, and we could begin launching another front from there. The underground tunnel was infested with monsters, and more of Elga's minions. Along the way, I came across this odd statue.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

I was going to write this letter to tell you how cool my new armor is, but something unexpected happened just after two weeks of wearing the darned helmet. Yes, I believe the helmet is cursed or something, even after I souled it at Julie's. You do know us Paladins get the Signus rank when we reach a certain level. I'm pleased to tell you that your brother just gained Signus rank! Yay! But enough about that. I'll show you the picture, yes?

Pretty neat, huh? I must say I've gone quite far from being the clumsy warrior I was years back. I still couldn't find the darned shoulder piece for this set, though. It's very rare to find good craftsmanship these days. (Well 42 could also forge one but... you know.) Now take a look at the helmet. Why do you think those fins at the side are so big?

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Weird Letter

To My Dear Friend Ceaz,

I found this letter in my mail today. Does Mr. 42 really write like this all the time? I hardly understood a thing. It has the most peculiar content I've ever read so far.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

That Breezy Feeling

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I just had to write to you this time. So there I was the other day, doing my regular duties along the area between Frigid Canyon and the Sleepy Slums. Every time I jumped or walked, my rear felt weird as I was fighting monsters. I thought I accidentally wore two pairs of underwear again. It felt kinda thick yet it felt cool at the same time. So I had a really happy time training and slaying all sorts of monsters.

After my twelve-hour regular duty (A Tempura Knight is on call 24/7!!! ), I headed to the HQ Men's Locker Room to take a shower. I was literally sweating a waterfall after drinking a lot of those fat-burning HP potions that makes your body all lean and stuff like in the commercials. Mmmm~ grapefruit is tasty. I was really stinky so a nice relaxing shower was in order.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kidnappings Around Ashmist

To My Dearest Ebbie,

I received your last letter and am very impressed that you've made such good progress within the Drakos Tower lately. Not even a regiment of Paladins could get through some areas. I haven't even made it to the 6th floor yet from last time! If you're having your fights within the tower, there has been trouble brewing around the area between Ashmist and Camp Steven. There has been a torrent of reports that many children have gone missing. This reminds me of the time that Candy Factory opened.

I received a report from HQ while I was sleeping on the table in my house. Yes Ebbie, when your bed becomes too uncomfortable the table becomes the second best bed. The Commander instructed me and several other paladins to look around for clues to investigate this string of incidents. Donning my fancy new armor, that's right Ebbie, I've got fancy new armor and I ain't showing it to you yet! So off I went to Siren Woods.