Monday, July 19, 2010


To My Dearest Ebbie,

I received your present and I must say, this new sword you got for me is the best! Although a bit heavier than an Angelius Sword, it's a really great gift and I'd like to thank you so much! I could finally defeat many monsters with ease using this new sword you gave me! When your birthday comes, I shall give you something definitely worth it! That's a promise from your big brother!

Anyway let me tell you what happened earlier today. The moment I woke up and looked at the calendar, I found out it's my birthday today! I completely forgot all about it after that incident with you-know-who and her harlotry. Feeling upbeat, I did a bit more exercising and training than usual and headed off to take a stroll around town! It was also my day off thank goodness!

I went to my mailbox first to check if I got any letters from you. I didn't find anything but one letter that just read, "Your Room. 3:00PM. Today." It sent a chill down my spine that made me a bit skeptical as well. I just placed the letter in my pocket and then stretched my arms. I then wondered who could it have come from.

After several hours of goofing off and fighting monsters, I felt tired. I needed to take a rest so I headed straight back home where hopefully I could relax and even get someone to give me a good massage. Upon reaching the front door of my house, it was already the dreaded 3PM. What could be beyond the door of my own home?

I slowly opened it, not knowing what would pounce at any minute so I even readied my sword just in case. After fully opening the door and seeing nothing but darkness, the lights suddenly switched itself on and I heard a loud "SURPRISE!!!"

It was a surprise party made by my friends! Ceaz thought of organizing it and gathered many people I know. I saw Mistress Ciel, Leongarde, my second-cousin Heil, Kewkies, Kreme, Mynthe, Irichi, and more. They sang a birthday song just for me and at that moment, I felt so happy. I really wished you were there too Ebbie!

So after a bit of chatting around, it was time to blow the candles off the cake they got me. After I blew the candles, Mistress Ciel asked me: "What wish would you like this year, Prawnt?".

What was my answer?

To find true love.

Then everyone laughed it off and I got a bit bitter inside, but Ceaz patted me on the back and told me to just enjoy as they started giving me presents! "Presents, oh goodie!!!" I thought.

Here is a list of what I got from my birthday:

Ceaz: An ornamental dagger with my name engraved on it (strangely enough, the blacksmith's name was "42")
Mistress Flare Ciel: Cherry-scented candles
Mynthe: A tempura basket
Heil: Sword polishing kit
Kewkies & Kreme: Cupcakes made out of cookies and cream
Sieg: A... leather belt?
Zakriid: A book on the history of the Fungoids

I also got lots of birthday cards from several other friends.

What struck me the most was that Miss Ciel gave me scented candles, out of all strange things. When I asked her why, all she said was "Because." Then she smiled in a very creepy manner that made me want to cringe somehow.

Anyway Ebbie, thank you for the sword again. Love you lots!

From Your Dear Brother,


OOC: No, it's not actually my birthday but my character's birthday. Created 7/19/2009 of last year. ONE YEAR OF DRAGONICA YEAH!

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